Two days. Full Tilt. Houston.
Spring 2021
Our partner:
—An Unparalleled Creative Encounter—
2-day Tilt Masterclass
What began as a top-rated leadership development workshop at MIT Sloan is now available for leaders of global organizations going through transformation (digital and otherwise), leaders who want to design a more creative culture, leaders who want to immerse their teams in transformational experiences that build collaboration.
In partnership with Steelcase, we are offering our first 2-day Masterclass for a limited group of 20-30 global leaders.
Come learn the mindsets and methods that we’ve adapted for global leaders to transform creative process into cultural practice over a 2-day Masterclass experience in Houston.
Expect to engage.
"The experiences and nuances they unpack are impossible to forget—they provide a visual, sensory memory, like a bookmark, that will help to nudge me to make the right decision when the time comes.”
“We got a backstage perspective, literally, of where conditions are optimal for high-performance creativity.”
"Now, I am even more aware of how critical it is to model and to set the right conditions for my teams to notice shifts in context and to foster creativity and adaptability. “
“They created the perfect space to experience these conditions in action—when they are working and when they’re not—in a controlled environment.”
Expect to experience.
Experience practices for engaging in change from the source of creativity, and learn how they are transferred into practical, transformative workplace outcomes.
Interactive Laboratories
Experiment first-hand with how cultural conditions can transform workplace practices for responding to change.
Leading Teams in Uncertainty
Capture new and unique ways of seeing opportunity in complexity and practices for collaborative sensemaking in uncertainty.
Hands-on Simulations
Reflect and challenge your habitual ways of thinking and acting as frameworks are coupled with facilitated environments for immediate experimentation, interpretation, application, and feedback.
Cultural Condition Design
Takeaway practical insights on designing generative conditions for self-directed learning and creative interpersonal risk-taking that are needed to evolve new ways of creating, problem-solving, and adapting to change.
Expect to Tilt.
Come ready to engage in the art of leadership, the conditions for culture designed to grow, and the creative practice for the speed of change. Show up all-in for yourself and the other global leaders that will be beside you. Bring back new perspectives and capabilities for your teams and organization.